Behold! I was mesmerized by The Most Amazing Thing.
Must. Buy.
This thing is huge. I quickly buy a 100ft extension cord and some headlamps too.
Feverishly, I set it up that night.
It's even more fun in the daytime. It's incredibly perfect at dusk.
You can use it as the best soccer goal ever. I also use the lit ghosts, and googly eyes, for soccer target practice! Eventually, I pegged the ghosts so many times, one of the incandescent bulbs blew out. So I ordered some LED replacements from Amazon! :D
I should be able to wail on it with impunity then. Dad's need fun too, you know?
I call him, "The Count", after Sesame Street, or "Count Spookula". I also repeat "googly-googly-googly eyes!" to get Vivi revved up. She LOVES it!
Vivi asks for "googly eyes please", or "The Count, please", when she wants to play with it. It took us 5 days to get Vivi to high-five the ghosts and touch the eyes.
The original incandescent lights in Count Spookula cast a warm, very-yellow glow. I researched them, and they are 7 watt bulbs. Actually, since I was rewiring and replacing about 5-dozen bulbs in my parents place (with LED's), then upgrading The Count was relatively easy. Again, mainly I want the LED's because they are solid-state, so they won't blow out when I peg them with a soccer ball.
Here are the old bulbs:
I chose to put 1.5W LED's as replacements, with a nice bright-white color. These are 15W equivalent, or, twice as bright!
Behold the majesty! The gleaming, white, Count Spookula v2!
At the end of this video, you can hear me kicking a soccer ball into the ghosts. :)