Enough foolishness! What's really up with the family?
We celebrated with a new camera for Eva. Coincidentally, her Canon G16 died, the day after I put in the order! Her new small camera is a Fuji X-100T, with a stunning, fixed, 35mm lens (equivalent). The camera and lens are designed together, as an integrated unit. In fact, what looks like a "pancake lens" actually continues far into the body of the camera. It's freaky.
The following test pics are all wide open f 2.0, and in very low light. They are downsampled to lower res for my smartphone. These are otherwise unprocessed jpegs, straight from the camera. However, they were run through the Perfectly Clear android app on my smartphone. You can get this for free via Amazon Underground. The Adobe Lightroom plugin is $150. Both are highly recommended!
First, the last of the tree pics. We trash it later this week, when my brother-in-law visits us.
You are only looking at part of these downsampled images below. Wow! What a camera!
Scroll to left and right to see the entire image.
And of course, a couple Vivi pics. This was after a 3am feeding, in candlelight dim conditions.