While traveling, we are experimenting with T-Mobile's new $100/mo friends and family plan for 4 phones, which includes international roaming and unlimited free international data, in over 140 countries. It's working great so far. The data is slow but the coverage is decent. Gone are the days of scrambling upon arrival to:
(1) Get local cash
(2) Ask locals which SIM card brand is best
(3) Buy a SIM card
(4) Configure and test the pay-as-you-go SIM
(5) Enter the new numbers into our burgeoning address books
(6) Reconfigure WhatsApp to use the new numbers
(7) Update friends/family/website with the new number.
Now we just turn the phone on and go.
The results? Not tooooo shabby.
The following pics were taken, processed, uploaded to the cloud, and emailed all from the phone and the free data plan. BTW the subway here, called the MTR, has cell phone coverage underground and in the cars.