First Vivi got "Hi" and "Hair", perfectly. Now she only says them sometimes. Then it was "Ma Ma Ma", followed by a perfect "Ma Ma". Smart girl! She should have started with that one!
Then we tried "Da Da", but that's pretty difficult. In Hong Kong, a nickname for dad is "Ba Ba". Sure enough, Vivi started with "Ba Ba Ba" and then a perfect "Ba Ba".
Tonight, Vivi got her sleep schedules screwed up, so she was awake, in the dark, on the floor. Apparently, she was saying "Ba Ba" a lot. I go in, to help pass the time, and sure enough, out of the blurry darkness, I hear a tiny, clear "Ba Ba", at random times, and nothing else. Super Cute!! :)
Of course, when we try to record it, she's all distracted, excited, tired, etc... However, it's still super cute. I present, for your Vivi pleasure, The Princess, sitting in the dark in her high chair, practicing her MaMaMaBaBaBa.